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The value will depnd on the percantage of the off strike. The value for a 2000 off-centered penny is around $3-5.

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Q: What is the value of a 2000 off center penny?
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The value will depend on the percent of the off strike but probably around $3.

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The value depends on how "off center" it is. A coin that is only slightly off center will be worth around $3-$4 while a coin that is around 80% off center will be worth around $5-$7.

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A 1999 penny with an 'off-center' error is worth $3.50.

What is the value of a 1999 off center penny?

It depends on how off-center the coin is. The more dramatically off-center the coin is, the more it is worth. A slightly off center coin might be worth a dollar, while a dramatically off center coin might be worth $5+

What is the value of an off-center penny with no date marked?

These generally sell for about $3.00 -- collectors prefer to see them with dates.

What is the value of a 2000 penny slightly struck off center there is no doubling but Lincoln is a higher than normal and the rim is noticeably bolder under him?

You have an error called an off-center strike. That happens when a coin blank doesn't land squarely in the collar that holds it when the coin press strikes the image on it. Unfortunately a minor offset isn't worth very much on a penny. You'd need to have a coin with at least 15-20% of the image missing to have any significant extra value, and even then it would only be a few dollars.

What is the value of an off centered penny?

that depends on how much off center it is, the more the mor it will be worth... if you find the right buyer you could get more for it then it is worth...a good place to look is ebay.

What is the value of a half printed penny that shows no date?

Off-center strikes on Lincoln cents are not extremely rare. These sell regularly on eBay for a couple dollars.

What is the value of a 1971 off center penny?

If about half the coin is blank perhaps about 2-3 dollars. If it's over half up to maybe $5.

What is a 1922 off center strike penny worth?

Coins with errors need to be seen for a evaluation, the type and condition of the error determines value. A dealer or collector can do this.