One cent. The US doesn't make gold pennies. Your coin has either been plated for use in jewelry, or the copper coating has reacted a bit with the zinc core. The latter can cause a goldish tint
The value will depnd on the percantage of the off strike. The value for a 2000 off-centered penny is around $3-5.
2000 euros
The coin is a Sacagawea dollar, it has no gold and is worth $1.00
It's not gold, it's brass. There are about a billion of them in circulation and they are all worth face value only - $1.
Its 1$
Sorry! It's worth a penny. It's only gold plated which doesn't add any value to the coin.
The value will depnd on the percantage of the off strike. The value for a 2000 off-centered penny is around $3-5.
1 cent. It's plated. The US has never made a gold penny.
There was never a gold half penny issued by the U.S. Mint.
It's just a penny, spend it.
The coin is just face value.
no such coin
No such thing.
It's just a common penny with no added value.
Modified coins have no collector value.
My guess would be that it was plated with gold (or a gold-colored metal) after minting, and that it is thus worth about a penny.
The US NEVER made any gold 1 cent coins