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Alexander Pagac

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Q: What is the opposite of concluded?
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What is the opposite of the word concluded?

Conclude has more than one meaning. Therefore there are more than one possible antonyms. Possible antonyms: Inconclusive Begin Open Incomplete

How do you use word concluded in sentence?

You can use the word "concluded" in a sentence to indicate that something has been determined or reached a decision after considering all relevant information. For example, "After reviewing all the evidence, the jury concluded that the defendant was guilty."

Who first concluded that the earth was spherical?

Your mom. It was your mom who concluded it.

When was Peace Concluded created?

Peace Concluded was created in 1856.

What is a sentence for concluded?

The study concluded that the professor's doughnuts were indeed stolen by a time traveller.We have concluded that we need to increase the length of tea breaks if we are to keep the crew from committing mutiny..The evening was concluded with a song from Katherine Jenkins.

What is an example of a concluded sentence?

The jury concluded that Casey is guilty as charged.

What observations did Thomson make to suggest that an electron has negative electric charge?

Thomson observed that a cathode ray bent when in the presence of a magnetic field. After the cathode ray bent the opposite way when the opposite pole of the magnet was placed next to it, Thomson concluded that the cathode ray had a negative charge.

How do you use concluded in a sentence?

I concluded that it was useless after spending an hour on the project.

What is the present perfect tense for conclude?

The present perfect tense of conclude is "has concluded" or "have concluded."

Is same-sex marriage legal in Lithuania?

No, same-sex marriage is banned both by the Lithuanian Constitution and by the Civil Code. Article 38 of the Lithuanian Constitution says: "Marriage shall be concluded upon the free mutual consent of a man and a woman." Article 3.12 of the Lithuanian Civil Code says: "Marriage shall be concluded with a person of the opposite sex only."

Were is sonic RPG eps 9?

Its not smart one. I beat it like 12 time and it said to be concluded NOT to be continued.And concluded means that it has ended. Actually, it said "To be concluded" that means it's going to be concluded unless the author forgot or lost interest in it.

What is the past tense of conclude?

The past tense of "conclude" is "concluded."