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the effect of the message cout is to indicated that person whom you sending a message to what you trying to say for him to understand and clear but in other term the message cout doesn't affect the other person

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Marcus Lagfatmaro

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Q: What is the effect of the message cout?
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Write algorithm to find middle number in three numbers?

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a,b,c; cout<<"enter the value of a"<<endl; cin>>a; cout<<"enter the value of b"<<endl; cin>>b; cout<<"enter the value of c"<<endl; cin>>c; if(a>b) { if(b>c) { cout<<"the middle number is b:"<<endl; } else { if(a>c) { cout<<"the middle is c:"<<endl; } else { cout<<"the middle number is b:"<<endl; } } if(a<b) { if(b<c) { cout<<"the middle number is b:"<<endl; } else { if(a<c) { cout<<"the middle number is c:"<<endl; } else { cout<<"the middle number is a:"<<endl; } } }

A c plus plus program to read in three integer numbers and print them out in ascending order For example if the numbers input were 10 7 8 then your output would be 7 8 10?

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x, y, z; cout << "Enter 3 numbers: \n"; cin >> x; cin >> y; cin >> z; if(x < y && x < z) { cout << x << " "; if(y < z) { cout << y << " " << z; } else if(z < y) { cout << z << " " << y; } } else if(y < x && y < z) { cout << y << " "; if(x < z) { cout << x << " " << z; } else if(z < x) { cout << z << " " << x; } } else if(z < y && z < x) { cout << z << " "; if(y < x) { cout << y << " " << x; } else if(x < y) { cout << x << " " << y; } } char wait; cin >> wait; return 0; }

What is VHDL program for full adder in behavioral model?

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity fabehv is Port ( ain : in STD_LOGIC; bin : in STD_LOGIC; cin : in STD_LOGIC; sum : out STD_LOGIC; cout : out STD_LOGIC); end fabehv; architecture Behavioral of fabehv is signal s:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); begin process(ain,bin,cin,s) begin s(2)<= ain; s(1)<= bin; s(0)<= cin; case s is when "000" => sum<='0'; cout<='0'; when "001" => sum<='1'; cout<='0'; when "010" => sum<='1'; cout<='0'; when "011" => sum<='0'; cout<='1'; when "100" => sum<='1'; cout<='0'; when "101" => sum<='0'; cout<='1'; when "110" => sum<='0'; cout<='1'; when "111" => sum<='1'; cout<='1'; when others => null; end case; end process; end Behavioral;

How many hours does it take you to count to 1000000000?

Cout Dracula is something tha he owns well i know him it is/he is been here forever backwords it is a well a government thing that Cout Dracula owns Count Dracula,Count Dracula own Count Dracula own to,$999999999.00

Write a C program to convert decimal number into binary hex and octal A function should be used with two integer parameteres first for the number to be converted and second for the base help urgent?

#include #include using std::cin;using std::cout;using std::endl;using std::tolower;inline void decToHexOct(unsigned int number, char base);int main(){cout number;cout

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How do you print the message without using printf and semicolon?

use cout << simple

Write an application that displays in the command window a box an oval an arrow and a diamond using asterisks as follows?

the code for the box is: # include <iostream> using namespace std; void main () { cout << "*********\n"; cout << "*\t*\n"; cout << "*\t*\n"; cout << "*\t*\n"; cout << "*\t*\n"; cout << "*\t*\n"; cout << "*\t*\n"; cout << "*\t*\n"; cout << "*********\n"; the code for the oval is: # include <iostream> using namespace std; void main () { cout << " ***\n"; cout <<" * *\n"; cout <<"* *\n"; cout <<"* *\n"; cout <<"* *\n"; cout <<"* *\n"; cout <<"* *\n"; cout <<" * *\n"; cout << " ***\n"; the code for the arrow is: # include <iostream> using namespace std; void main () { cout << " * \n"; cout <<" ***\n"; cout <<"*****\n"; cout <<" * \n"; cout <<" * \n"; cout <<" * \n"; cout <<" * \n"; cout <<" * \n"; the code for the diamond: # include <iostream> using namespace std; void main () { cout << " *\n "; cout <<" * *\n"; cout<<" * *\n"; cout<<" * *\n"; cout<<"* *\n"; cout<<" * *\n"; cout<<" * *\n"; cout <<" * *\n"; cout << " *\n "; }

C plus plus programs-print a message?

#include<iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Hello world!\n"; }

Why c in and c out used in c?

In the programming language C++, cin is used to input the variable and cout is used to print a certain message or result.

What is the definition of cout?

COUT is an inbuilt function in c++ language. Cout is used to print something on to the standard output.

Decision of a judge or cout?

This is an incomplete sentence, and "cout" is not a word.

What effect does a medium have on the message it carries?

the medium soon become part of the message

What is pointing program?

// Pointing // Demonstrates using pointers #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { int* pAPointer; //declare a pointer int* pScore = 0; //declare and initialize a pointer int score = 1000; pScore = &score; //assign pointer pScore address of variable score cout << "Assigning &score to pScore\n"; cout << "&score is: " << &score << "\n"; //address of score variable cout << "pScore is: " << pScore << "\n"; //address stored in pointer cout << "score is: " << score << "\n"; cout << "*pScore is: " << *pScore << "\n\n"; //value pointed to by pointer cout << "Adding 500 to score\n"; score += 500; cout << "score is: " << score << "\n"; cout << "*pScore is: " << *pScore << "\n\n"; cout << "Adding 500 to *pScore\n"; *pScore += 500; cout << "score is: " << score << "\n"; cout << "*pScore is: " << *pScore << "\n\n"; cout << "Assigning &newScore to pScore\n"; int newScore = 5000; pScore = &newScore; cout << "&newScore is: " << &newScore << "\n"; cout << "pScore is: " << pScore << "\n"; cout << "newScore is: " << newScore << "\n"; cout << "*pScore is: " << *pScore << "\n\n"; cout << "Assigning &str to pStr\n"; string str = "score"; string* pStr = &str; //pointer to string object cout << "str is: " << str << "\n"; cout << "*pStr is: " << *pStr << "\n"; cout << "(*pStr).size() is: " << (*pStr).size() << "\n"; cout << "pStr->size() is: " << pStr->size() << "\n"; return 0; }

What are mid libs c plus plus?

// Mad-Lib // Creates a story based on user input #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; string askText(string prompt); int askNumber(string prompt); void tellStory(string name, string noun, int number, string bodyPart, string verb); int main() { cout << "Welcome to Mad Lib.\n\n"; cout << "Answer the following questions to help create a new story.\n"; string name = askText("Please enter a name: "); string noun = askText("Please enter a plural noun: "); int number = askNumber("Please enter a number: "); string bodyPart = askText("Please enter a body part: "); string verb = askText("Please enter a verb: "); tellStory(name, noun, number, bodyPart, verb); return 0; } string askText(string prompt) { string text; cout << prompt; cin >> text; return text; } int askNumber(string prompt) { int num; cout << prompt; cin >> num; return num; } void tellStory(string name, string noun, int number, string bodyPart, string verb) { cout << "\nHere's your story:\n"; cout << "The famous explorer "; cout << name; cout << " had nearly given up a life-long quest to find\n"; cout << "The Lost City of "; cout << noun; cout << " when one day, the "; cout << noun; cout << " found the explorer.\n"; cout << "Surrounded by "; cout << number; cout << " " << noun; cout << ", a tear came to "; cout << name << "'s "; cout << bodyPart << ".\n"; cout << "After all this time, the quest was finally over. "; cout << "And then, the "; cout << noun << "\n"; cout << "promptly devoured "; cout << name << ". "; cout << "The moral of the story? Be careful what you "; cout << verb; cout << " for."; }

Write a program to print grade of a student in C?

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int marks; cout<<"Enter Marks of Student="; cin>>marks; cout<<"Grade\n"; if(marks>0 && marks<50) cout<<"F"; else if(marks>=50 && marks<55) cout<<"C-"; else if(marks>=55 && marks<60) cout<<"C"; else if(marks>=60 && marks<65) cout<<"c+"; else of(marks>=65 && marks<69) cout<<"B-"; else if(marks>=69 && marks<71) cout<<"B"; else if(marks>=71 && marks<75) cout<<"B+"; else if(marks>=75 && marks<79) cout<<"B"; else if(marks>=79 && marks<84) cout<<"A"; else cout<<"A"; getch(); }

Why cin and cout are not consider as keywords?

cin and cout are iostream objects, not keywords.

Could you write the program that display truth table of AND gate by using C plus plus programming language?

#include<iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Truth table for AND gate\n\n"; std::cout << " |0 1\n"; std::cout << "-+---\n"; for (unsigned a=0; a<2; ++a) { std::cout << a << '|'; for (unsigned b=0; b<2; ++b) { std::cout << (a & b) << ' '; } std::cout << '\n'; } std::cout << std::endl; }