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1311.00 us dollar

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Q: What is the dollar value of 1 kg of gold?
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What is the Value of an 1894 US gold dollar?

The US did not make a gold dollar in 1894. They stopped production of the gold $1 coin in 1889.

What is the value of a George Washington gold 1 dollar coin?

It was made in 2007 (the date is on the edge), and is brass, not gold. In circulated condition its value is 1 dollar, uncirculated perhaps $3 or so.

How many 1 penny weight of gold is in us dollar?

The value of the US dollar is not based on gold. However at today's gold prices, one dollar will buy about 0.011 pennyweights of gold.

What is the value of us 3 dollar gold coin s?

$3 One US Gold Dollar Coin is equal to $1. 1*3=3

How much value is in an 11 year old gold 1-dollar coin?

If you are referring to the Sacajawea "gold" dollar coins with an Indian on the front and an eagle in flight on the reverse. It is only worth $1. It is not gold, but rather an alloy of brass and has no value beyond face value.

What is the value of a 1900 US 1 dollar gold piece?

Sorry, but 1 dollar gold coins were not issued in 1905. Only 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 dollar gold coins were made. Check your date.

What is the value of a 1905 US 1 dollar gold piece?

Sorry, but 1 dollar gold coins were not issued in 1905. Only 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 dollar gold coins were made. Check your date.

What is the value of a 1906 US 1 dollar gold coin?

Sorry, but 1 dollar gold coins were not issued in 1906. Only 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 dollar gold coins were made. Check your date.

What is the value of a 2000 pluribus unum one dollar gold coin?

Its 1$

Value of a James Madison gold coin with him facing his right?

1 dollar

What is the value of 1 dollar gold 1823?

Please look at the coin again. No U.S. one dollar gold coins were made until 1849.

Value of 2006 5 dollar gold coin?

The 5 Dollar American Eagle coin regardless of date is a 1/10th oz Gold Bullion coin and as I type this the value is $108.10 The value of any gold bullion coin follows the spot price of gold.