Decline, is the answer. If you ever went on Runescape, Facebook, imeem, or anything like that, it says: So-and-so wants to be your friend. It says: "Accept or Decline." If you click Decline, then they are NOT your friend on it.
The antonym of abdicated is accept.
The antonym for embrace is reject or shun, which means to refuse to accept, consider, or undertake something.
allow, keep, welcome, permit, accept,
Those are homophones.
Accept, include, incorporate, permit, welcome
Antonyms may include admit, confirm, or approve.
The antonym of the word 'synonym' is 'antonym'.
An antonym means "opposite". So an antonym for the word synonym is antonym.
what is an antonym for veranda?what is an antonym for veranda?
The antonym for from is to. Because antonym means opposite.
now ____________ The word when does not have an antonym. Not every word has an antonym.