The abstract noun forms of the verb to compare are comparison and the gerund, comparing.
most abstract
The abstract noun form of the verb to choose is the gerund, choosing.A related abstract noun is choice.
The abstract noun form for the verb to frequent is frequency.The abstract noun form for the adjective frequent is frequentness.
The abstract noun forms of the verb to diversify are diversification and the gerund, diversifying.A related abstract noun is diversity.
The abstract nouns for the verb to compare are comparison and the gerund, comparing.
No, "younger" is not an abstract noun. It is a comparative adjective used to compare age between two or more people or things. Abstract nouns refer to concepts or ideas rather than physical objects.
Abstract Classes contain the work abstract in it. It is used when you know that you will need to use an object of its type but do not know the inner workings yet. Anonymous classes are those classes that are constructed on the fly. You need to know its inner workings.
The word 'wiser' is not a noun, it's the comparative form of the adjective: wise, wiser, wisest.Wiseness is the abstract noun form for the adjective, wise. Another abstract noun is wisdom.
Is cheer an abstract noun or a concrete noun??????
What is abstract
Yes, generosity is an abstract noun.Yes, generosity is an abstract noun.
Is undergone an abstract noun
Yes, the noun astonishment is an abstract noun, a word for an emotional reaction.