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Q: What is another name for a shape shifter?
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What would you name a shape shifter?

I would name a shape shifter "Morpho." It has a mystical and transformative ring to it.

How to be a shape shftir?

A shape shifter is a fictional being. Therefore, one cannot become on. In fiction a shape shifter is someone who can transform themselves from one being to another.

When was The Shape Shifter created?

The Shape Shifter was created in 2006.

How do you use shape shifter in a sentence?

Odo from DS9 is a shape-shifter.

What is the meaning of shape shifter?

A shape shifter is someone who can change into someone else. They can change their body and shape into something else if they choose.

Can a fairy be a shape shifter?

There are tons of faerie shape shifters.

What are the abilities of a shape shifter?

Shape shifters, due to the name, clearly have the ability to change their appearance. It is also thought that they have the ability to manipulate minds of animals.

Is it possible to be able to be a shape-shifter?

No. Shape-shifters are not real. They are fantasy.

How can you become a shape shifter?

you become...STUPID

What rhymes with weight lifter?

shape shifter

How do you become a shifshapeter?

Do you mean shape shifter? Because if you do then here is the answer: A shape shifter is a fictional creature that takes the form of a human until they need to become another animal. They usually need to become an animal because of survival insticts, they are threatened or they simple just need to be an animal.

Who is the dragon from wow Cataclysm?

The dragons name is Deathwing, he is actually a shape shifter infact he is a human. Father of Nefarion and Onyxia.