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Q: What is a synonym for downstairs?
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Related questions

What part of speech is downstairs?

"Downstairs" can be an adverb, an adjective, or a noun: (as adverb) We went downstairs. (as adjective) This house has a downstairs bedroom. (as noun) The downstairs is flooded.

Put the word downstairs in a sentence?

the living room is downstairs.

How can you use the word downstairs in a sentence?

Lets go downstairs!

What is a downstairs and is it bad?

a downstairs is the reference to a male or females genitals.

When was Downstairs EP created?

Downstairs EP was created in 311.

What is the ISBN of The Ogre Downstairs?

The ISBN of The Ogre Downstairs is 0064473503.

When was The Ogre Downstairs created?

The Ogre Downstairs was created in 1974.

WHich word in this sentences is an adverb You can find the pool table downstairs?


When was The Girl Who Falls Downstairs created?

The Girl Who Falls Downstairs was created in 2005.

How do you say downstairs in French?

"Downstairs" in French is "en bas" or "au rez-de-chaussée."

How long does a Ethernet cable have to be to get from downstairs to upstairs?

It depends on how far your Xbox is from your modem downstairs.

How many words can you make out of downstairs?

Words that can be made from the letters in DOWNSTAIRS are:aadadornadroitaidairanandaridartassassortatdaisdarndartdawndindodondotdraindrawdrawndrownIidinintoinwardionironisitnadirnitnitrononodnornotnowoaroatonordainowownradradioradonraidrainranratrawridrindriotroadroanroastrodrotrowsadsaidsaintsandsanssatsatinsinsirsitsitarsoarsodsodasonsonarsortsotsowsownstaidstainstairstandstarstrandstrawswainswanswatswordswornwadwaistwanwantwarwardwarnwartwinwindwitwontwordwornwort