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Q: What is a non example of constant?
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What is a non example of rates in mathmatics?

A constant is one example.

What is non constant speed?

non-constant speed is when the speed for an object does not stay the same

Can object have zero acceleration and nonzero velocity at the same time.give example?

Yes, an object moving at a constant velocity has zero acceleration even though it has a non-zero velocity. For example, a car driving at a steady speed on a straight highway has a constant velocity but zero acceleration.

What is mean by non isothermal columns?

isothermal means 'constant temperature' so to be non-isothermal means to have non-constant temperature.

What is non uniform acceleration with an example?

Non-uniform acceleration occurs when an object's velocity changes unequally over time, resulting in a non-constant rate of acceleration. For example, a car that speeds up and slows down at different rates during a road trip experiences non-uniform acceleration.

What is an non example of acceleration?

The colour green is a non example of acceleration.

Explain what do you mean by non-constant functions giving examples?

A constant function is one like f(x)=2 so no matter what value of x I put in, the output is 2. If I have f(x)=x, the identity, this is not constant. I put in 3 for example and get out 3, but if I put in 4 I get out 4. f(x)=x^2 is another non constant. I put in a number and the output is the number squared so this is NOT constant.

What is the difference between a variable and a non variable?

A variable changes. It varies. A non variable does not change. It is constant. For example if I write a mathematical expression such as x + 1, then x is a variable. Its value can be whatever value we choose. However 1 is a non variable. Its value is 1 and never changes from 1. In a scientific experiment a variable would be something that you changed from one test to another. A non variable would be something that remained constant from test to test. As a final example: the speed at which light travels in a vaccum is a constant. It is referred to by the letter c which stands for the universal constant. However, the speed at which your car travels is a variable. It changes.

What is the difference between constant and non-constant motion?

Constant motion is when an object maintains a steady speed and direction over time, like a car driving at a constant speed on a straight road. Non-constant motion is when the speed or direction of an object changes over time, such as a car accelerating or turning.

What is an example of non uniform motion?

An object moving along a curved path at varying speeds is an example of non-uniform motion. This means that the object is not maintaining a constant velocity but is instead experiencing changes in speed or direction.

What is the example where acceleration is either uniform or non uniform?

An example of uniform acceleration is when a car increases its speed by a constant amount every second. An example of non-uniform acceleration is when a spaceship changes its speed erratically while navigating through gravitational fields in space.

What do you mean when you talk about Constant Speed?

When people talk about Constant Speed, they mean non stopping speed at the same speed. For example if someone runs 10 miles at the same exact speed every day, people would say that he/she runs with constant speed.