The word 'Frenemy' means someone who is at the same time both a friend and an enemy. It might be an enemy who is pretending to be a friend or a good friend who is also a rival in some sense.
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Frenemy=friend+enemy. If you make an enemy, they are not your frenemy. If you make a friend, they are not your frenemy, either.
Fiend, foe, or frenemy.
We had a love hate relationship, we were frenemies.Stephen Colbert is a frenemy of Jimmy Fallon.
You can call him just a regular person or a frenemy! (FREH - NEH - ME)
Robotomy - 2010 Frenemy 1-1 was released on: USA: 25 October 2010
Teen Wolf - 2011 Frenemy 2-6 was released on: USA: 2 July 2012
sorry but you need to explain more about you and your "frenemy" please
Jerseylicious - 2010 Behind Frenemy Lines 5-5 was released on: USA: 25 February 2013
In slang, "fw" stands for "frenemy with benefits." It is used to describe a person with whom you have a mixed relationship, combining elements of friendship and physical intimacy.
Say you have a frenemy (sometimes friend, sometimes enemy, frenemy, isn't it cool?) and she is your enemy at the moment and tells everyone you kissed "nick" at the bleachers after school, and it may or may not be true but she's spreading it to hurt you i have the best freakin examples man! Say you have a frenemy (sometimes friend, sometimes enemy, frenemy, isn't it cool?) and she is your enemy at the moment and tells everyone you kissed "nick" at the bleachers after school, and it may or may not be true but she's spreading it to hurt you i have the best freakin examples man!
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien - 2010 The Enemy of My Frenemy 2-25 was released on: USA: 11 February 2012