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Actually, the term "transsexual" is misused here. Transsexual women are those who were born trapped in the wrong body and hating their genitals. So they will eventually get surgery to stop having transsexualism and just be "normal" women. But many use the term transsexual as a pornographic concept to refer to men who dress up or live as women while keeping their male parts for life.

The other terminology is more common among gay men. To "top" someone means to be the dominant partner, or the one on "top." The "top" is the person who does the penis insertion.

As for giving cakes, urban dictionary says that refers to buttocks or a woman with large buttocks. So it could be a reference to anal sex. The whole phrase could then mean that the person in question will both give and receive anal sex.

However, "cakes" could be the phrase "cream pie" remembered wrong. In that case, cream pie refers to bukake, which is ejaculating on someone's face.

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