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Q: What does high key mean in slang?
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to be high on "X". or Ecstasy

What are some slang words that mean cool?

Solid. Key. Tight. Decent

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it means you are stoned or high

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crack addict, someone who will do anything to get high

What does it mean when someone text's Thankssss?

Slang for: Thanks

What Does The Slang Word Popped Mean?

In slang, "popped" can mean feeling high or intoxicated from drugs or alcohol. It can also refer to being caught by the police or being shot.

What does the slang COF mean?

If you mean slang as in internet slang, then it means "Certified Old Fart".

What does the word hot mean?

The word hot means something that has a high temperature. It is also used as a slang word meaning "sexy," as well as a slang word meaning "stolen."

What does lang mean in slang?

Slang is slang It's the s' "LANG " uage.

What did church key mean in the 1960's?

In the Sixties, we did not have pop-top cans. A church key was the slang for a metal bottle and can opener - people carried them around in their pockets along with their pocket knife.

What does High Sky mean?

It's hard to know without the context, as slang changes so rapidly, but 'sky high' is usually a picturesque way of saying 'very high',.

What does 'milkshake' mean in old slang terminology?

In old slang, milkshake mean butt.