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This term typically applies to passwords. So if your password is WiKkI, then it needs to be entered exactly like it was when it was set up. Any letters that are capitalized must be entered as capitals otherwise it won't work.

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Eldon Hilpert

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Q: What does case sensitive?
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Yes xml is case sensitive, this includes enumerations which are also case sensitive.

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Both. "Case sensitive" means that upper case and lower case characters are treated as different characters.

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Yes. C and C++ are case sensitive, although, depending on implementation, external symbols might not be case sensitive.

How do you write case sensitive?

Something is case sensitive when it requires proper capitalization and lower case letters as well as numbers. Case sensitive passwords will not work if you forget to make sure the proper letters in words used for password are capitalized. An example of a case sensitive word would be WikiAnswers.

Are Linux commmands entered via the command line sre they case sensitive?

Yes they are case sensitive.. :-)

Is an email address case sensitive?

A URL is case sensitive. An email address is not. If you had an address of AbCd, the email provider will automatically switch it to abcd, even if you type it as AbCd. (In years past, email addresses were all case sensitive. But not now.) Passwords though are all CaSe SenSitIve.

Is form tag case sensitive?

No. HTML tags are not case sensitive. However, he standard approach by designers now, is to type them in lower case.

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The RockEnter The Great One as a case-sensitive code. Dirt Sheet and Vince's Office Backstage Brawl areasEnter BonusBrawl as a case-sensitive code. John Cena's alternate attireEnter CENATION as a case-sensitive code. Randy Orton's alternate attireEnter ViperRKO as a case-sensitive code. Santino Marella's alternate attireEnter Milan Miracle as a case-sensitive code. Shawn Michaels' alternate attireEnter Bow Down as a case-sensitive code. Triple H's alternate attireEnter Suck IT! as a case-sensitive code.

Is “C language” case sensitive programminIs “C language” case sensitive programming language If yes why and if no whyg language If yes why and if no why?

C is case sensitive, which means that, for example, $var and $VAR are not the same variable.