There are three primary colors: red, blue, yellow. Other colors are not primaries.
Printing: yellow, cyan, magenta, plus black to make solid blacks.
Televison: red, green blue.
No, the complimentary color to any primary color, is the secondary color created when you mix the two remaining primary colors. The complimentary color of red is green. Yellow is the complimentary color of purple.
Any color that is NOT in the color groups of red, yellow, or blue.
Gold is a slight variation of yellow which is a primary color. The complement of any primary color is the mix of the other 2. Red and blue are the other primaries and together they make purple. So, purple is the complement of gold.
blue Actually its purple. If you look at the color wheel for primary colors it is always the color that is mixed by the other two primary colors. For example for red its green (blue and yellow) for blue its orange (red and yellow). So the complementary color for yellow is purple (red and blue).
Color opposites are found across the color wheel from each other. Red is the opposite of Green, yellow is the opposite of Green, and Blue is the opposite of Orange. Each opposite set includes one primary color, and the secondary color made by mixing the two other primary colors.
Red is a primary color.
If you mix a primary color with a secondary color, you will typically get a tertiary color. Tertiary colors are created by mixing a primary and a secondary color together.
No, brown is not a primary color. Primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. Brown is a secondary color made by mixing primary colors.
Green is not a primary color. The primary colors are red, blue, and yellow.
nothing. Blue is a primary color and primary colors can't be made with any other color. Other primary color's -red -yellow -blue nothing. Blue is a primary color and primary colors can't be made with any other color. Other primary color's -red -yellow -blue
Primary Color wheel. Yes
the color mauve is not a primary or secondary color so it is none of above.
When you mix a primary color with a secondary color, you get a tertiary color. Tertiary colors are created by combining a primary color with an adjacent secondary color on the color wheel.
Mixing a primary color with a secondary color will create a tertiary color. Tertiary colors are formed by combining a primary color with an adjacent secondary color on the color wheel.
Is made from red and orange!!! Red is a primary color, Orange is a secondary color. A intermediate colour is when you mix a primary color with a secondary color!!! Is made from red and orange!!! Red is a primary color, Orange is a secondary color. A intermediate colour is when you mix a primary color with a secondary color!!!
Yes, it is a primary color, but also a secondary color.
Teritary colors are made by mixing a primary and a secondary color.