Green can be mixed with the color as can yellow to make brown.
Red+blue = purple Blue+yellow=green Yellow+red=orange Blue+green=blue-green Green+yellow=light green Red+green=brown Red+white=pink Black+white =gray
Green + Red or Orange = brown Green + Blues = teal/ turquoise Green + Yellow = lighter/lime green Green + Purple = a blue-ish green brown
Red, Blue, and Yellow combined in different ways make every color. Blue+ yellow= Green, Blue + red= purple, red+yellow=orange, those are the basic combinations. You can also add white or black the darken or lighten a color.
You can make any color out of blue, red, and yellow, but no colors can be mixed to make those three colors. Blue+Red= Purple Blue+Yellow= Green Yellow+Red= Orange White+Red= Pink
You can mix blue and yellow to make the color green.
Green and yellow will combine to make a shade of yellow-green.
Mixing blue with yellow-green will create a shade of green since blue is the complementary color of yellow on the color wheel.
Yellow and green make the color yellowish green or lime green.
Yellow and green mixed together make the color yellow-green, which is a shade between yellow and green on the color spectrum.
Green and yellow mix together to make the color chartreuse.
Yes, yellow is a primary color, as are red and blue. Umm... Printing: yellow, cyan, magenta, plus black to make solid blacks. Televison: red, green blue. In printing we use colors that are made of two primary colors so as to have a color that excludes one primary color. So, Yellow is white minus blue, magenta is white minus green and cyan is white minus red.
blue and yellow.
Blue and yellow make the color green.
Red + Yellow = Orange Blue + Yellow = Green