Mega means million; micro means a millionth.Mega means million; micro means a millionth.Mega means million; micro means a millionth.Mega means million; micro means a millionth.
it means 473857348678394768934769847984796578675976984769576895768468479847594857934857893475894679576894698476798675987656565656566564656768678m
It means absolutely nothing.It means absolutely nothing.It means absolutely nothing.It means absolutely nothing.
kilo means thousand
It means Football Club
if your an Rp'er (role player) OOS means Out Of Story for when you want to talk but in the middle of something. If your not then it can mean Out Of Style meaning if something is out of fashion...i've never found anyother meanings for it.
what does OOS stand for in retail?
Some six letter words with OOS in the middle:IgloosKazoosWazoosYahoos
In laboratory, and most other environments, it is a Quality Control abbreviation for Out Of Specification= OOS.
out of stock
OOS in retail terms stands for Occupational Overuse Syndrome.
In the workplace, OOS often means "out of service." This is not something that can be combated. It is a notice that a piece of equipment is unable to be used. When you see such a notice, you should not even try to operate the equipment. It must be repaired and checked out before it can be safely used.The initialism OOS can also have other meanings in other contexts. These include:out of styleout of synchoccupational overuse syndromeonline order systemour own standardsand many others.
Out of Stock
Out Of Stock