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I would like to hear your description in other words, please.

In other words, a more succinct description would be most appreciated.

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Q: Use in other words in a sentence?
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Prepositions are words we use before pronouns or nouns to show their relationship with other words in the sentence.

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He misjudged her and was sorry. To have misjudged her was wrong. This is misjudged and five other words. Misjudged can often start a sentence. A sentence can end with misjudged.

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Some cultures are matriarchal; in other words, the mothers are the head of the family

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Here it is: "The word "breathable" is in the dictionary, as are many other words."

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Put it among other words. It will probably work.

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nestle is a verb. You use it exacly as you would use cuddle or other words with the same meaning

How can you use the term In other words in a sentence?

In other words is basically a phrase to mean "another definition is...". For example: In other words, WikiAnswers is an editable site of questions, answers and users who provide these.

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"the spy was dispatched after being caught" other words he was killed