'Better' is the antonym of 'worse'.
An antonym for the word 'worst' is 'best'.
An antonym for the word 'shy' is 'brave'.
An antonym for the word 'vertical' is 'horizontal'
Major is a word. It is the antonym of minor.
An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. So the antonym of chandelier would be the opposite of a chandelier, whatever that is. In other words, the question has no answer.
An antonym is a word that means the opposite of something else. So no, urge is not an antonym. It has antonyms, and it is the antonym of other words, but it is not, in itself, an antonym.
Some words do not have opposites [antonyms]. The word "why" has no antonym
Words that are not synonymous with the word 'preposterous' include:appropriatecorrectfairjustlogicalproperrationalreasonablesensiblesoundtruevalid
Some words do not have opposites [antonyms]. The word "where" has no antonym.
Many words do not have antonyms. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of a given word. There is no antonym for aardvark.
Comprehensive list of synonyms for preparation, related words for preparation and other words for preparation by Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus.
Antonyms are words that mean the opposite of each other. A word can have many antonyms, depending on its meaning or meanings. One antonym for the word real would be the word "fake."
Some words do not have direct opposites [antonyms]. The word "if" has no antonym.
Some words do not have direct opposites [antonyms]. The word "who" has no antonym.
Some words do not have direct opposites [antonyms]. The word "what" has no antonym.