there are infinite amount of common multiples.
The greatest common denominator of any set of denominators is infinite.
Yes, the word box is a common noun.
Yes, the noun 'day' is a common, abstract noun. The noun 'day' is a common noun as a general word for a twenty four hour period of time. The noun 'day' is an abstract noun as a word for a period of time, a word for a concept.
A common noun.
The highest common multiple is an infinite amount and not very practical for problem-solving.
Common noun
there is an infinite amount of common multiples. you can take each of these numbers out to infinite and you will have an infinite amount of multiples also. the lowest common multiple however is 72
Pea is a common noun, and peas is the plural...still a common noun.
A common noun.
Most definitely a common noun.
Camel is a common noun.
Th word tail is a common noun because the first letter of a proper noun is capitalized.
it is re@lly @ common noun