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It can be, when it is used to mean "freely" (e.g. the bottom half was dangling free, the fish swam free).

Otherwise, free is an adjective meaning independent, unattached, or at no cost.

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Q: Is free an adverb
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Is freely an adverb?

Yes, it is the adverb form of the adjective free, with slightly different connotations depending on how it is used. The word 'free' itself can be an adverb (e.g. running free).

What is the adverb of free?

Both free and freely are adverb forms of the adjective free. Free as an adverb means "loose" or "open" (e.g. to cut free, to run free) Freely means done in a free or open fashion (e.g. flow freely)

What is an adverb for free?

Freely is the adverb. "Advice on Wiki answers is freely available."

Is there any words that is an adverb verb and an adjective?

Set Clear Free Back better I dont think SET is an adverb.

Is the word free a noun?

No, the word 'free' is an adjective, an adverb, and a verb.Examples:My prize was free tickets for a season at the Peoples' Theater. (adjective)The stream was running free with the season's melted snow. (adverb)It was time to free the bird from the rehab center. (verb)The noun forms are freeness and freedom.

What is the meaning of honestly?

In a manner free of deceit, guile or hidden agendas. It is an adverb.

Is bragfree a word?

No, bragfree is not a word. Brag is a word, a verb; free is a verb, an adverb, or and an adjective. It's correct to use those two words together with a space in between them: brag free (a verb, adverb combination).

How would you complete the phrase 'as free as a'?

The usual completion is as free as a bird. The Latin equivalent of the phrase is 'tam liber quam avis'. In the word-by-word translation, the adverb 'tam' means 'so'. The adjective 'liber' means 'free'. The adverb 'quam' means 'as'. The noun 'avis' means 'bird'.

What is the adverb form of will?

The noun will, and the verb to will, have the related adjective forms willed and willing, and the present participle willing has an adverb form, willingly (by means of free will, or choice).

How do you use gratuitous in a sentence?

The adverb 'gratuitously' is used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb as without good reason; unjustifiably; or as free of charge.Example sentences:He gratuitously insults other drivers when he was the driver At Fault.The doctor gratuitously provides her services at the free clinic.That actor's movies are known for gratuitously violent content.

What is the adverb for clean?

Cleanly. But it doesn't relate to being free from dirt (clean) or to cleaning. He hit the ball cleanly into the bleachers. She lifted the box cleanly from the floor.

What is the 7 kinds of adverb?

1. Adverb Of Time2. Adverb Of Place3. Adverb Of Manner4. Adverb Of Degree of Quantity5. Adverb Of Frequency6. Interrogative Adverb7. Relative Adverb