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Q: Is cookie countable or uncountable
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Is the set of all irrational number countable?

No, it is uncountable. The set of real numbers is uncountable and the set of rational numbers is countable, since the set of real numbers is simply the union of both, it follows that the set of irrational numbers must also be uncountable. (The union of two countable sets is countable.)

What are the other names of countable noun and uncountable noun?

The countable nouns are nouns with a singularand a plural form.The uncountable nouns are also called mass nouns.

Is set R of real numbers is countable set or not?

It is uncountable, because it contains infinite amount of numbers

What is the difference between countable infinity and uncountable infinity?

First we need to recognize that any form of infinity is just a mathematical construct. We are not ever going to have to deal with actual infinities, but what is very useful is understanding limiting behavior as something or other goes towards infinity. It is here that the difference between countable and uncountable infinities matters immensely. ; countable : can be put into a one to one correspondence with the natural numbers ; uncountable : cannot be put into a one to one correspondence with the natural numbers

Is additional countable noun?

The word 'additional' is not a noun; additional is an adjective, a word that describes a noun (a countable or uncountable noun).The noun form is addition; a countable noun as a word for something that you add to something else (an addition to a product line, an addition to a building); an uncountablenoun as a word for the act of adding something to something else (addition is the first step in learning math).