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how much is 30 kg gold dust

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Did gold miners make more money than sliver miners?

Not necessarily. While gold is worth more than silver, there is more silver. The people that REALLY made money were the people that sold supplies to the miners.

Why are some of the coins gold and some silver?

gold is worth more than silver, so the more gold the more its worth.

Is 14kat gold worth more than 18kat gold?

The 18kat gold is worth more because the higher it is the more value it has

Is linen worth more than gold?

Linen is worth more than gold to a lot of people. Others would argue that gold is far more valuable.

Is Russian gold worth more than Russian silver?

Gold is worth more simply because gold is worth more per ounce on the market.

Is American money worth more than UK money?

no But technically, the US dollar is the more powerful currency. Oil is bought and sold in the $, as is gold and diamonds etc.

Is Chinese gold more expensive than Saudi gold?

Saudi gold frequently changes worth based on the live spot of gold price, but as of now it is worth about 1,293 dollars for one ounce in American money. In the other hand since Chinese gold is only fifty-eight percent gold, one ounce is worth 700 in American dollars. So all in all Saudi gold is worth more than Chinese.

Are Gold Umbrellas worth it to buy?

Gold umbrellas are worth no more than regular umbrellas, because they are only used to protect you from the rain, so save yourself some money and but a regular umbrella.

Is Irelands money worth more than US money?

Euro is worth more then dollar.

Can gold get you more money than diamonds?


What is worth more diamonds or gold?

By weight, diamonds are worth more because they are much more rare than gold.