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Q: Ignoring alternatives other than your own argument is an example of .?
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Reporter bias can be explained as only one side of the argument being delivered due to the media, or news, etc emphasising, concentrating and reporting certain aspects of reality while ignoring others. For example, you might hear about how poor Africa is on the news constantly while places such as Konza city, Eko Atlantic and other places of promise are unsung.

What is an example of counter argument?

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If you mean give an example, an oil-drum (ignoring the rims and other details), a length of ordinary pipe, the cylinders in an engine...

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Snubbing is intentionally ignoring someone in a social setting.

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it means that when someone says for example: that vegetables are yucky. so the counter argument for that is that they are good for you. so a counter argument is the other side of the argument! hope you understand now! ;-)

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There are no alternatives because hepatectomies are performed when liver cancer does not respond to other treatments.

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If he s ignoring you, it's time to move on and find yourself other boyfriend.

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None. If 'mankind' were perfect there might be, but there are no other alternatives to the rule of law, other than anarchy and the law of the jungle.

What is an example of finding common ground when addressing a counter argument?

When addressing a counter argument, you can find common ground by acknowledging the valid points made by the other party. For example, you could agree that their perspective has value or that certain aspects of their argument are worth considering. By showing that you are willing to recognize areas of agreement, you can build a foundation for productive discussion and potential resolution.

Is an example of a false dilemma fallacy?

One example of a false dilemma fallacy is when someone argues that you can either support a political party or be considered unpatriotic, ignoring the possibility of having other legitimate reasons for not supporting that party.

The act of limiting considerations to only two alternatives when other alternatives may be readily available?

False dilemma