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I'd say its worht around 5$ and going up because they don't sell magma/aqua cards anymore nad it has a typo so its rare. I have a typo hippowdon that says its name is hippopatas and evolves from hippopatas. Hope this helps :D

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Q: I have a Pokemon card with a typo It says team aqua's houndoom but has the team magma symbol How much is this worth?
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Team aqua does not own a hideout in ruby, only magma does, however in sapphire it is vice versa, no magma, just aqua.

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near team aquas hideout in sapphire. but in emerald it is on MT. chimeny

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You get the magma emblem from mt.pyre and after you have beaten all team aquas the old lady should give you a magma emblem. After that go to the lift and go down all the ditches and it should open.

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Go to the magma hideout.

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NO it is nere lilycove city but you hav to defeat magma boss in the volcano nere lavarige city

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There is no such Pokemon as a magma. If you mean MagmaR, no

Where are Archie and maxie in Pokemon emerald?

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