1 tola = 11.66 grams
In Bangladesh, 11.664 tolas equal 1 Vori of gold. The tola is a traditional unit of mass in South Asia, while the Vori is a unit commonly used to measure the weight of gold in Bangladesh. Therefore, if you have 11.664 tolas of gold, you would have 1 Vori of gold in Bangladesh.
1 gram of 10 k gold worth
11.66 grams is equivalent to 1 tola of gold
11.66 gram in 1 tola gold in pakistan
12 grams in one tola
1 tola = 11.663 8038 grams
1 tola is equivalent to 11.66 grams, so 7 grams would be approximately 0.6 tola.
1o grams= 1 tola
The tola is a unit of weight used in India and Pakistan that is equal to the weight of a silver rupee, 180 grains troy.1 grain troy = 0.0648 grams1 tola in India weighs 11.664 grams (180 X 0.0648).or i tola =11.6638 grams1 tola in Pakistan weighs 12.5 grams
1 Tola equals 11.663805 grams actually but these days most Indian Jewellers count 1 Tola as 10 grams.
"A tola is a unit of weight in India, Pakistan, and Nepal. It is widely used to measure the weight of precious metals like gold and silver. One tola is equivalent to 11.66 grams."