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Well at my school a weighted GPA goes up to 5 and an unweighted GPA goes up to 4. It might vary depending on the school

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Q: How high can GPA's be?
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How do you get in a good university?

Get high GPAs.

What does a 3.4 GPA convert to in ACT score?

GPAs and ACT scores are not equivalent--students with high GPAs often do poorly on the ACT and vice-versa. Your score depends on your test-taking ability and your preparedness--the ACT is a very different type of test from the ones you normally see in school.

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Can you get into Rider University NJ with a 2.8 GPA?

It's technically possible. 5% of the recent freshman class had high school GPAs below 2.5. However, 75% of them had GPAs over 3.0, so while it's not absolutely out of the question to get in with a 2.8, it's not going to be easy and you're probably going to need exceptional standardized test scores to make up for your poor performance in high school.

Will having good GPAs in 2 associate's degrees offset a bad GPA in a bachelor's degree?

The GPAs in the associate's degrees are separate from the bachelor's degree GPA; however, if you are applying for a job, it would depend on how the potential employer interprets it and what weight he or she puts on the GPAs. It would also depend on other factors, like what the degrees are in.

Do you need to do well in High school to get into Colorado Springs Air Force Academy?

Extremly. We re talking GPAs of 3.7 - 4.0. If you have a low GPA you can always enlist, but then you have to still be physically qualified.

What are the average college GPAs of athletes in various college sports?

3.3 and higher

Will a 2.8 GPA get you into East Carolina University?

No. That is, it's technically possible, but it's not very likely considering that only 14% of students there for the most recently reported year had high school GPAs of less than 3.0.

How high can a GPA be?

It depends on the system used. The highets GPA is the grade points assigned to the highest grade possible; this is usually A+, and the most common systems give either 4.00 or 9.00 for this grade, making these the highest GPAs for those systems.

Minimum SAT required to get into Illinois state university?

Usually there isn't a hard lower limit, but if you need to ask, your chances of getting in are not good. If you mean the one in Chicago, the most recent Freshman class I have statistics for all had high school GPAs above 2.0, and only 5% had GPAs below 2.5. Also, 91% of them were in the top half of their graduating class. UIUC didn't report high school GPAs, but 99% of their freshmen were in the top half of their class in high school, so it's a fairly safe assumption that it's an extremely long shot if you're under 2.5.

What ACT score do you need to get into ucsb?

Standardized TestsScoresVerbalMathWritingComposite (out of)SAT I *530 - 650540 - 660530 - 6501600 - 1960 (2400)ACT *22 - 2924 - 29N/A23 - 29 (36)

What is required to get into georgetown university?

My friend's guidance counselor gave her a whole sheet showing the average GPAs of colleges and universities, and Georgetown's was a 4.3.