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More than is 'plus que' in French.

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Q: How do you say 'more than' in french?
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More than you think Plus que vous ne pensez

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I'd say that French fashion is obviously more prestigious and chic.

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J'aime la fran

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C'est plus que de l'amitié.

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Une rue, des rues if more than one

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To say "The Sharks" you will have to say des because there is more than one and requins because of "Sharks". So You will say "Des Requins"

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To say the words more touch in the French language you say plus tactile.

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'French words' is 'mots français', or because they use articles more than we do, 'les mots français'. Depends on context.

How do you say more than my own life in french?

Plus que ma propre vie

How do you say I love you more than anything in french?

Je t'aime plus que tout

What is the old french word for fairies?

Old French faerie (Modern French féerie) :) Hope that helps, for the old french one you say it as you would normally say Fairy :)I choose to write faerie, more often than Fairy [;