ok listen carefully kill the inquiztor guards (it might not drop everytime so keep tryin!)
To get the Zardman morph in AQWorlds, you need to complete the "Revenge is Sw33t" quest from the Drake in /join marsh2. Once you complete the quest, you will receive the Zardman morph item in your inventory.
To unlock the Elemental quest in AQWorlds, you need to complete the "Recipe for Confusion" quest given by Warlic in /join alchemy. After completing this quest, you will unlock the Elemental quest. Follow the quest chain given by Warlic to progress and complete the Elemental quest.
magic shoppe
To beat Valencia's Wednesday quest on AQWorlds, you kill Cyclops Warlord in Mobius and in Faerie Forest
There isn't a quest in AQWorlds. You can only defeat him in DragonFable.
Thursday's Daily Quest
finsh warlics quest in battleon town
You can't exactly be a Guardian on AQWorlds, but you can verify on AQW that you have Guardian on the original Adventure Quest and get Guardian class in AQWorlds. :)
you get nothing but quest items, and you have to start the quest first you also get their wings.
bring friends
Quest for Magic was created in 1986.