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Only if you're playing a video game. In real life, you're more likely to get 40 years.

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Q: Do you get 40 golden coins if you hit a midget on the head?
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Is it true that if you hit a midget in the head with a stick you'll get 40 gold coins?

No, this is not true. It's a myth pertaining to leprechauns. If you strike a little person in the head with a stick, you're looking a felonious assault charges (very serious criminal offense that can send you to prison).

Do midgets have their own cars?

As a midget i allways walk with my little baseball bat and hit people in the shins.

How do you toss a midget?

Step 1 You capture from the wild with ur net. Step 2 Drug midget so he becomes incapacitated. Step 3 Put midgets head on kicking tee. Step 4 Run and buy steel capped boots from lowes (by this stage the midget should be regaining feeling in his head. Step 5 Put boots on your feet. Step 6 Polish boots Step 7 Take appropriate run-up (I find that a 15 step run-up is most efficient.) Step 8 Run towards Midgets Head Step 9 Kick Midget (Aim for the temple, many people think that the forehead is the best spot to kick the midget, this is incorrect midgets have a weaker temple to most humans similar to the temple of a goblin or ork) Step 10 Watch midget fly through air and hit a wall Step 11 Begin process again This is mu favourite way to kick a midget. i hiope it helps you. P.S. Don't forget to set up a video camera and post it on under the title: "And I Used to Ask How to Kick a Midget."

How do you get a golden slingshot on animal crossing wild world?

You have to hit 16 presents in a row then you must hit the golden present.

How do you get a golden viking helmet on club penguin march 2009?

Yes there is one golden Viking helmet But there is a catch you must go to the Ski lodge march 2012 hit the cadle and You pay a thousand coins and your done The reason 2012 is because it happens Every four years

When was You Hit the Nail on the Head created?

You Hit the Nail on the Head was created in 1972.

What can cause head injuries?

A hit to the head

How do you get head bruises?

When you hit your head on something.

What year did The Stranglers have a hit with Golden Brown?


Does mette Lindberg have a hit song?

Golden age

Why happens when you hit the bottom of a stack of coins and why is this so?

When you hit the bottom of a stack of coins, the impact transfers energy through the coins, causing them to jostle and move. This happens because the force of the impact is transmitted through the coins, which in turn push against each other due to their physical contact.

Did you know if you hit your head you can kill your brain?

Yes. If you hit your head hard enough you can die.