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… either behind or below !

Eyes see what the mind knows. When one is unable to see something in spite of the eyes looking at it, the problem lies behind - the mind!

Upon inability to articulate properly one may say something is wrong with the vocal cords or the tongue, whereas the problem may be inadequate air in the lungs - the problem lies below. It is the act of exhalation of air with which one speaks.

The problem with erection is often viewed as that of the phallus whereas it is more often than not with the balls. Most men would touch the phallus for erection rather than squeezing the balls. The male hormone, testosterone, is produced in the testicles and mainly used for production of spermatozoa locally and anabolism systemically - the problem lies below!

Upon gently squeezing the balls against the body say every morning one can infuse his own testosterone into the bloodstream for its expression all over the body - from erection to preventing osteoporosis. It might be helpful over the time rather than as and when wanted.

One would wonder why men don't wear loin anymore. Maybe it is time consuming to wear one or somewhat elastic under-wears are available for the gentle squeezing effect with movement all day.

Letting the balls hang always would be like letting the phallus hang always - losing erection over the time. When one doesn't desire for spermatozoa, should infuse testosterone into the bloodstream wishfully.

Moreover, it is a great discrimination and injustice against the male nation not to let a separate subject - Andrology to bloom, whereas there is Gynaecology.

… it is hoped squeezing the balls at least every morning would keep the Andrologist away !

P.S.- Wrote to on 18.6.06

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