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Q: Checker game do a king have to jump?
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Can you jump your checker when you are a king?

No, you cannot jump your own checker with a king.

Can a regular checker jump a king checker?


Can a single checker jump a king?

No a single checker cant

Can a single checker jump a king checker?

can a single jump over a double in checkers/draughts

Can a king jump 2 checker pieces?


Can you jump if there is a space and you are a king in checker?

a king cannot jump 2 blocks in a row so therefore he can't if he is in checkers or not.

Can a checker player jump over his king with another one of his kings to jump opponents piece?

no it cannot.

Can a regular checker piece jump backward?

no, only kings and double king can

Can a single checker kill a king in checkers?

Yes. Any checker can jump over another one that is a single space diagonally away. If the opponent leaves a King open to capture like that, go for it.

What can jump a king in a game of checkers?

Either a king or an ordinary playing piece may jump a king in a game of checkers in the United States of America. But the rules are different in Italy. Specifically, in an Italian game of checkers, only a king is allowed to jump a king.

In the game of checkers if you have a jump and do not take it does your opponet get to take your checker?

well,if u dont jump then that means that u passed your turn and if your opponent is close to you then they will jump you to win.

Can a normal checker jump backwards?

No, a normal checker must go forward towards the other oppents king row (last row). Only kings can move fowards and backwards. Hope I helped!