Divisor is another word for factor. Common divisors are often called common factors, in fact the term GCD or greatest common divisor is the same as GCF which is greatest common factor.
The word multiple is a noun, a singular, common noun; a word for a number that can be divided by another number without a remainder.
Another word is but
The word 'multiple' is a noun as well as an adjective. The noun multiple is a singular, common noun; a word for a number that can be divided by another number with no remainder. A number is a thing.
another word for very large
common, ordinary
Divisor is another word for factor. Common divisors are often called common factors, in fact the term GCD or greatest common divisor is the same as GCF which is greatest common factor.
Another common word for can't is the word "unable". To be unable is the act of not being able to accomplish a task.
"Common" is just another word for "same".
hand gun is the most common
The common word is... prey.
"Sunblock" is also a common variant.
How about: joint, reciprocal, common, or shared