

Another word for earned

Updated: 9/16/2023
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9y ago

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To have earned something means that one has the right to claim it. Some synonyms for "earned" are: won, yield, warrant, and deserved.

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A synonym for 'money earned' is salary or profit.

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Wage, salary, remuneration.

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There is one syllable in the word earned.

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Neared and endear are anagrams for earned.

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Words synonymous with gain are acquire, attain, and profit.

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What part of speech is earned?

The word earn is a verb. The past tense is earned.

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The past tense word of 'earns' is 'earned', as in 'he earned $400 for working 40 hours last week'.

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Example sentence - I earned money mowing lawns and raking leaves.

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