There is no other way of spelling 'quay' There are alternative words such as 'Wharf or Dock, Harbour or Port'
One way to write 312 is by spelling it: Three hundred and twelveAnother way would be to write it in roman numerals: CCCXII
Assuming that demcail is a novel way of spelling decimal, the answer is 0.4Assuming that demcail is a novel way of spelling decimal, the answer is 0.4Assuming that demcail is a novel way of spelling decimal, the answer is 0.4Assuming that demcail is a novel way of spelling decimal, the answer is 0.4
A repeated measures design is where the same participants are used in all measures. For instance, say you wanted to find how different music genres effect scores on a spelling test. You would have a participant do a spelling test while listening to one pieces of music. Then you would have them do another test while listening to a different piece of music, and so on.
That might be a mis-spelling of "tangent".
It might be a mis-spelling of gogool, or of Google.
another word for "quay" is wharf, a quay is a wharf, and a wharf, or let's say wharve either that, a wharf/wharve is a quay. Ta Britney Speares Fav Fan of Girls
Stephen Quay goes by Brothers Quay.
Timothy Quay goes by Brothers Quay.
Key and cay are the homophones for quay
'Quay', as in 'Circular Quay in Sydney' would be a homophone for 'key'. The word may not look like it should be pronounced this way, but this is just how English pronunciation goes and flows. 'Cay' is also an alternative spelling for 'quay', used by Americans. "Cay" is an old French word for a low, sandy island close to shore.
Dave Quay's birth name is David Maxwell Dunn Quay.
The country of "Quay" does not exist.
there 1 syllable in quay
Barrier, breakwater, dock, landing, quay, seawall, slip or wharf .
A group of new ships was standing in a quay
Red Quay was created in 1958.