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When using position to balance two uneven weights, it is an example of a lever.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

it is

you can make a seesaw by putting a plank of wood over a log and sit on the ends of the plank

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βˆ™ 11y ago

A first class lever.

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Q: Is a seesaw a simple machine?
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A seesaw is what type of simple machine?

a seesaw is a lever that is balenced on a fulcrum

Is a fulcrum a simple machine?

A fulcrum is a part of a simple machine, the lever. Without the fulcrum what is left of the simple machine can no longer increase the applied force and is no longer a simple machine.

Name two simple machine in case in which you multiply force?

crowbar &seesaw

What kind of simple machine is a seasaw?

A seesaw is a type of lever simple machine. It consists of a long board (the lever) that pivots on a fulcrum, allowing two people to move up and down by pushing off the ground.

Is a seesaw a compound machine?

A see-saw is a type of lever. Levers are simple machines. When you put two or more simple machines together, you get a compound machine. == ==

Which is not a simple machine a faucet handle a jar lid a can opener seesaw?

A faucet handle and jar lid are simple machines.

Which is a compound machine a crowbar a ramp or a bicycle or a seesaw?

A bicycle. the rest are simple machines.

What machine Is a Seesaw?

A seesaw is a class one lever.

What simple machine has a continuous lever with equal arms?

A seesaw is a simple machine that has a continuous lever with equal arms. When one end of the seesaw is pushed down, the other end goes up, demonstrating the principle of a lever with balanced arms.

A see-saw is an example of what type of simple machine?

a seesaw is a lever that is balenced on a fulcrum

Which simple machine rotates around a fulcrum?

A lever is a simple machine that rotates around a fulcrum. It can be used to lift or move objects with less force. Examples of levers include a seesaw, a crowbar, and a pair of scissors.

What are some creative examples for a simple machine?

u would know this if u are not stupid. but anyway a doorknob and a steeringwheel and a seesaw. and some others