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Q: What is Another name for hydraulic fracturing?
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What are the controversies around hydraulic fracturing?

The controversial around hydraulic fracturing is the contamination of the water that we consume.

Does Hydraulic Fracturing for natural gas affect seismic activity?

yes hydraulic fracturing of natural gas does effect seismic activity.

Can you obtain oil from hydraulic fracturing?


Why was hydraulic fracturing create?

Hydraulic fracturing was created to allow otherwise inaccessible oil and natural gas reserves to be tapped and harvested for human use.

How many states have Hydraulic Fracturing?

About 50 states.

Which of these is a drawback of hydraulic fracturing?


What states have banned hydraulic fracturing?

I know Vermont just signed a bill banning hydraulic Fracturing. The states where Hydraulic Fracturing is allowed are all doing very well though. Natural Gas drilling brings in lots of money and creates jobs for Americans. If a well is dug responsibly, there should not be any effect on the environment whatsoever, so a state banning hydraulic fracturing seems a little excessive to me.

facts about fracturing?

Hydraulic fracturing, also called fracking, hydrofracking, and hydrofracturing, is a well stimulation technique involving the fracturing of bedrock formations by a pressurized liquid.

How does hydraulic fracturing enhance petroleum production?

Hydraulic fracturing breaks open the rock that contains oil or gas deposits and holds this fracture open with sand or proppant so that the oil or gas is able to flow into the wellbore for surface extraction. Without hydraulic fracturing oil and natural gas prices in this country would be astronomical.

How do you say 'fracking' in French as in hydraulic fracturing?

The French use either fracking or fracturation(fracturing).See the related link.

What technology is involved in gathering or using natural gas?

Hydraulic Fracturing, commonly known as 'fracking'.

How do you release natural gas it must be cracked open by pumping water and sand into the rock this technique is known as?

HYDRAULIC FRACTURING HYDRAULIC FRACTURING TECHNIQUESThe vast majority of the nation's newly drilled natural gaswells do not produce gas at sufficient rates to make thewell economical. Hydraulic fracturing is a technique usedto allow natural gas and crude oil to move more freelyfrom the rock pores where it is trapped to a producingwell so it can be brought to the surface at higher rates.Hydraulic fracturing technology was developed in the late1940s and has been continuously improved upon sincethat timeHYDRAULIC FRACTURING TECHNIQUESThe vast majority of the nation's newly drilled natural gaswells do not produce gas at sufficient rates to make thewell economical. Hydraulic fracturing is a technique usedto allow natural gas and crude oil to move more freelyfrom the rock pores where it is trapped to a producingwell so it can be brought to the surface at higher rates.Hydraulic fracturing technology was developed in the late1940s and has been continuously improved upon sincethat time