client os normally does not give high priority to security while a server does....... similarly client supports applications like spreadsheet that we normally use while a server supports applications like email and web............
Apexvs. She wants to use standard materials to minimize negative environmental impacts. She also wants construction to move quicker.
Speed is measured by calculating the distance you have gone and how long it took you to get there. speed = distance over time
We should definitely work about how much time people are having on spending the internet as compared to spending time with real humans. It is very important to have real communication with others, as compared to always only talking with them on a computer.
O(N^2)..Explanation :For this question its going to use 2 for loop;so it vil be executed n^2 time,Ex:n=5; then that vil be executed 25 time;So answer is O(N^2)
Basically your convergence time is the time while your devices are learning about each other (Could be due to a problem, or a new network). So the higher the convergence time, the longer your network isn't functioning.So with a very low convergence time network a problem in the network can be solved while only losing a few pings.
the time it takes for a router to recognize a best path in the event of a change or network outage.
You can't, sorry
corporate convergence
Link state protocols limit the scope of route changes by using a hierarchical structure and dividing the network into areas or domains. Changes in one area are contained within that area and do not propagate throughout the entire network, reducing the impact of route changes on the entire network. This helps in minimizing network convergence time and reducing network traffic related to route advertisement.
The opposite of divergence is convergence, which refers to moving towards a common point or coming together. In terms of vectors or functions, convergence indicates that they are getting closer together or approaching a specific value over time or space.
Reduce the protection time provided by the gloves
It has to do with impulsive force. F = (mv-mu)/t when you reduce the time of impact, you get a larger force. That is why the sudden stop of the hammer is to reduce time of impact, and increase force applied.
Time and space convergence
Cultural convergence is a term for theories of cultural evoution and social evolution , describing how societies and cultures changed over time
A faster device bandwidth can improve response time by enabling quicker data transfer rates between the device and the network. Smaller message sizes can also reduce response time as they require less data to be transmitted. Conversely, slower device bandwidth and larger message sizes can increase response time due to longer transfer times.
you put pockets on them