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No, The insurer provides a means by which we can assign beneficiaries, If those beneficiaries turned out to be your parents then so be it. Without evidence to the contrary, Namely an assignment of proceeds AKA naming you as a beneficiary, the law has no option but to presume that was the intent of the insured. Their is no negligence here on the part of the Company and therefore no liability. The insurance company is only following the law as well as the documented intent of the insured.

If you think there was an oversight on the part of your sibling in the assignment of beneficiaries, then you would need to bring your action against the beneficiary and/or the estate of the deceased. Basically you'd have to sue your parents and your brothers estate. The Insurance company would not be a party to your recourse action.

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The companies responsability lies only in providing the paper work for your brother to sign. If he chose not to sign it that would be his fault not the companies.

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Q: Your brother's company failed to have him sign the life insurance beneficiary form therefore the life insurance money went to your parents is there recourse against the negligence of the company?
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