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Lianas are a native species to the area, therefore Lianas do not need chemicals to grow. As Lianas are harvested without deforestation there is little or no impact to the wildlife as habitats are not destroyed. It also uses local expertise it is environmentally friendly as it keeps the biodiversity. Lianas are also strong vines that will last a long time and do not need replacing that often.

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Q: Why is an industry using lianas sustainable?
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Where can you find industry information for a business plan such as total industry revenues and expected growth trends?

The best place to start your research is online. Try typing in the name of your industry, followed by the search word "industry". This will usually bring up a host of industry associations, publications, etc., which are all prime sources of industry stats and data. For instance, if you type "restaurant industry" into the Google search engine form to the right, the first link is the National Restaurant Association. They are the voice of the restaurant industry and the premier source for economic and statistical information. Type in "rifle industry" and the first link will be to the American Firearms Industry. You get the point. You might have to dig, but the information should be there. If you are unable to produce any favorable results using this research technique, you have other options. Continue searching online using other keywords. Go to your local library or open up the phone book. There might be a local organization devoted to your industry sector. Call them up and don't be shy. Tell them what you need. Projected Financials require a professional to review. The best place to start is by searching online.

Which industry is known as the sunrise industry?

steel and iron industry

What are the 3 major types of industry?

The three types are Primary industry, Secondary Industry and Tertiary Industry.

The oil industry had the biggest impact on which other industry?

the automobile industry

What is core industry?

Core industry can be defined as the main industry. In most countries, there is a particular industry that seems to be the backbone of all other industries and that qualifies to be the core industry.

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What is the scientific name of the lianas?

The scientific name for lianas, which are woody climbing plants typically found in tropical forests, is "Lianas." Lianas belong to various plant families and genera, so there isn't a specific single scientific name for all lianas.

What layer does a lianas live on in the rainforest?

Lianas live in the canopy layer of a rainforest

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Silver can be sustainable if mined and produced responsibly, with consideration for environmental, social, and economic impacts. Recycling silver, using more efficient mining techniques, and supporting fair labor practices can help make the silver industry more sustainable. It is important for consumers to choose silver from ethical sources to promote sustainability in the industry.

What is the predators of the lianas?

An insect

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yes the petroleum industry is sustainable because it is a very successful industry in the world and it never encouter many problems that might even make it trapped or financial unstable.petroleum industry is one of the indutries that one can rely on,and that one can invest in because of the success that they have and the backbone they have.

Is the petroleum industry sustainable?

yes the petroleum industry is sustainable because it is a very successful industry in the world and it never encouter many problems that might even make it trapped or financial unstable.petroleum industry is one of the indutries that one can rely on,and that one can invest in because of the success that they have and the backbone they have.

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The practice of using Natural Resources that are sustainable means that an item, once used up, can be replaced. Natural resources that are not sustainable are those that, once used, can never be replaced.

What of your practices in using natural resources are sustainable and not sustainable?

The practice of using natural resources that are sustainable means that an item, once used up, can be replaced. Natural resources that are not sustainable are those that, once used, can never be replaced.

Do crocodiles eat Lianas?

No, they are carnivores.

How do lianas reach the light?

You find the answer!

What is lianas habitat?

Lianas are mostly likely to be found in the tropical moist deciduous forests and rainforests, as well as temperate rainforests of the world.

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