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Charities by definition are non profit. The term comes from the IRS 501 c 3 distinction which allows certain nonprofits to accept charitable donations, meaning donations to the organization are tax deductible. There are other nonprofits that do not have that distinction and are not considered charities. Some charities own for profit subsidiaries or social enterprises, yet the charities themselves are still nonprofit. Some states, have introduced new corporate structures that both benefit society and are for profit, yet they are not charities. Non profit does not mean the agency loses money or has to break even every year and for profit does not mean it has to make money. Some nonprofits earn significant revenue and some for profit companies lose money. Nonprofit is a tax status and charitable is a distinction under that status.

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Q: Which charities are for profit?
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Jack Johnson donates alot to charities. He donated the profit of his world tour.

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Yes. If this company gives all its profits to other organizations such as charities.

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The voluntary sector consists mainly of non-profit organisations like charities so you can instantly conclude that they don't exist to make profit.

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Some charities that are big in the United Kingdom are The Salvation Army, the UK branch of the World Cancer Research Fund, and the Royal Parks Foundation. Many of the largest charities in the UK are parts of worldwide charities.

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Can for-profit and not-for-profit share the same office?

Yes they can, there's nothing in law to stop that especially as charities have a trading company that helps to fund the charity so both could be sharing the same office.

What is the difference between a Charitable organization and a nonprofit organization?

Non profit organizations do not pay dividends to shareholders. It can have any type of purpose. Charities are generally non profit organizations that have the purpose of helping human beings in one way or the other. A charity can run a hospital, a soup kitchen, a homeless shelter, etc. A nonprofit can maintain an old lighthouse, an old battlefield, or a museum, etc. Thus while almost all charities are nonprofit organizations not all nonprofit organizations are charities.