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They are "a subsidiary."

They're called subsidiary companies.

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Q: When smaller companies are owned and controlled by larger parent company they are what of what parent company?
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Use subsidiary in a sentence?

It is some entity that is controlled by a larger entity. Such as a large company that controls a much smaller company. The smaller company would be a subsidiary of the larger company.

Why do larger companies have have an advantage over smaller companies?

Because the larger companies are more trusted, known and respected. For example: If you needed a driver/software update, would you go to Apple, Microsoft or a smaller company on a street corner called Jeffreys?

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Often consolidation just means that its merging many smaller items into a larger one or amount. Quite often, companies are associated with the word to mean when many spread out smaller companies merge into a larger company.

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One of the larger insurance companies in the UK is the insurance company Legal & General. Another of the larger insurance companies is the company Aviva.

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Common marketing strategies depend on the size of the company. Smaller companies generally try to advertise in a certain niche or local area. Larger companies use internet and television advertisements to reach a larger audience.

Difference between merger and takeover?

In a merger, two or more companies of relitively similar size etc come together to form a larger company or conglomerate. It is often accopanied by a transition period and a rebranding exercise as the companies combine In a takeover, a larger company will absorb a weaker company. This weaker company is often struggling financially and will almost certainly be smaller than the company doing the takeover. The smaller company will effectively disappear although staff may be kept on in a similar roll to their previous jobs.

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Most companies will require a background check, however it depends on the company hiring. Most of the larger companies will require one, whereas smaller companies are less likely to.

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There is a reason why larger companies are so successful; they are reliable. Smaller companies tend to be unreliable and of a lower quality (which is why they never expand into larger companies). You get what you pay for.

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The Alternative Investment Market involves allowing smaller companies to trade shares in the market without the expense that larger companies can afford. This allows smaller businesses to grow and not be overshadowed by larger businesses.

What is a merger in business finance?

A merger combines two companies or corporations into a single structure. Often a smaller company will become a subsidiary of a larger company, or two large companies (e.g. Chrysler and Daimler-Benz from 1998 to 2007) will combine to gain some advantage in finance or competition.

What is the role of a business?

A business affiliate can be a company that is a subsidiary to or controlled by another company. It can also be an individual or business affiliated to another, larger company by selling their products or services on their own website and paying commission to the larger company.

What is the name of some one who manages the money of a buisiness?

in a larger company, that person is the CFO, Chief Financial Officer. Smaller companies may call it Financial Manager, Finance Manager and others. Smaller companies tend to delegate that job as one of the responsibilities of the General Manager. Comptrollers and accountants are usually only invilved in the reporting and record keeping aspects of the company's finances.