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Of the various types of life insurance that exist, "term" life insurance is not permanent. This is because it remains in force only as long as premiums are paid. In contrast, "whole life insurance" is frequently also referred to as "permanent insurance" That is because it accumulates cash value, which is sort of a saving account built into the policy. Therefore, once cash value reached a certain amount, in theory, no further premiums have to be paid because the policy can be maintained based upon the cash value.

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Q: What type of policy is not permanent life insurance?
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Life Insurance Policy?

form_title=Life Insurance Policy form_header=Protect your loved ones with a lifetime of financial security. Find a life insurance policy customized to fit your needs. What type of life insurance policy do you want to buy?= () Term Life Insurance () Permanent Life Insurance () Both () Not Sure How large of a life insurance policy do you want to buy?=_ Who will it cover?=_ Who would you list as beneficiary?=_

What type of insurance contract requires a lump some or periodic payment in exchange for receiving periodic payments from the insurance company?

That could be an annuity, or a permanent life insurance policy.

Are life insurance policies permanent?

It depends on what type of policy you get. Term life insurance is a limited policy which you retain for a specified number of years. Whole life insurance is a policy that covers you for life. There are pluses and minuses for each. Term life rates can go up yearly but the cost at first purchase is much lower than whole life. For more information, talk to your agent

What are the benefits of universal life insurance and what are the possible drawbacks of this type of policy?

What are the benefits of universal life insurance, and what are the possible drawbacks of this type of policy

Is a cash-value policy the same as a permanent insurance policy?

Yes, the types of permanent insurance policies - whole life and universal life - are designed to build cash value. There are permanent life insurance policies that offer guarantees over cash value accumulation, therefore staying in force until age 105, 115, 121, etc - and build very little cash value. The cost for this type of permanent insurance is often much lower than those that will build significant cash value.

Is term insurance the most expensive type of life insurance?

No, term insurance is not the most expensive type of life insurance. Usually, term insurance is the most affordable type of life insurance. Term life insurance usually costs 2-3 times less than permanent life insurance. Why? because term life is temporary coverage, usually for 1-30 years, and it builds no cash value inside the policy. See for yourself: Free term life insurance quotes at QualityTermLife's website.

What is term life conversion credit?

Depending on the insurance carrier, if you convert a qualifying term life insurance policy to a permanent life or universal life insurance policy, the new policy's first year premium will be reduced. The amount of reduction is based on the term premiums paid during the 12 months prior to the conversion. The carrier can elect to give you a credit on a portion of those premiums paid based on a few factors, such as the age of the term insurance policy, or the type of policy you are converting to.

What is the best life insurance to have?

The best type of life insurance to have is the one that meets your needs and fits your budget. First decide why you need life insurance, and what you want to accomplish with your life insurance? Who relies on you for financial support? How much life insurance do you need, and for how many years? Term life insurance provides temporary life insurance protection for a specific number of years, usually 1-30 years. If you outlive the term, your coverage expires. There is no cash value build up within the policy, it is pure protection. Permanent life insurance is lifetime protection, as long as you pay the premiums. Cash value may build up inside the policy. You may be able to take a loan from the cash value. Term life insurance usually costs less than permanent life insurance. The most popular type of life policy is term life insurance. If you're young, healthy, and running on a shoe-string budget then buying a term life insurance policy may make perfect sense for you. It is the most affordable type of life insurance and suits the most important purpose of a life insurance policy, which is to provide financial protection for your family in case of the death of the policy holder. Some term life insurance companies look more favorably on smokers, those with health impairments or the aged. Term life insurance is also very competitive and you can find the best policy with the most affordable rate though online insurance quote providers.

Which type of life insurance policy combines term insurance and investment elements?

Universal life

What is basic life insurance?

Term insurance without any optional rider is considered to be the most basic type of life insurance. You purchase protection for a certain amount of time, after which the policy terminates. You have a fixed premium that does not change until the end of your term policy. You then have the option to terminate, or convert the term to a permanent form of life insurance. Term Assurance Policy is the basic life insurance policy.This is the cheapest pure life risk plan. On maturity, no amount will be paid to the policy holder. On any eventuality of the policy holder during policy term, sum assured amount will be paid to the nominee.

The face of which type of insurance is reduced over the life of the policy?

decreasing term insurance

Which type of insurance is reduced is reduced over the life of the policy?

decreasing term insurance