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Q: What type of business sector is a cinema?
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Give the type of business activity?

Primary sector secondary sector tertiary sector

What Type of business is Tesco?

Retail food sector, and lately finance sector also

He Boy Scouts of America is an example of which type of business. Public sector government-financed agency private sector or for-profit?

Private Sector

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Wilsonart laminate is a type of flooring that is durable and cost effective. The business sector is specifically designed for use in businesses, and is ultra-durable.

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what sector is IBM

What sector does fashion belong to?

it belongs to the privat business sector.

Is cinema business haram?

No, not in general.

What are the examples of medium business?

a medium business are national. so i the UK it can be a cinema chain showcase they have 20 cinema round the UK.

Sample Questionnaire on Informal Sector?

What type of informal sector activities do you participate in? How many years have you been involved in the informal sector? What are the main challenges you face in operating within the informal sector? What support or resources do you believe would help improve your informal sector business? How has your participation in the informal sector impacted your livelihood and financial stability?

What is the difference between public sector and Private for-profit sector?

The public sector is a government (city, state, national); the private sector is a business. Public sector jobs are publicly-funded (by taxes, for instance) whereas private sector jobs depend on the revenue of the business

Aim of a public sector business?

The aim of a public sector business, is to make profits just like the private sector. Public sector is run by the government on behalf of the public and mostly offer government services.

Which business sector does Cadbury's fit into primary or secondary sector?

its private business it is all three of the sectors in side company