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Advantages: There is a wide range of expertise and same with a PLC (public limited company), the main shop get royalties from the rest of it's shop owners, the work load is spread out within the company

Disadvantages: If you are working under a large business's name then you must 'play by the rule' as in, you cannot do as you please, you must work hard to earn a living and you must 'do as you are told.'

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Q: What the advantage and disadvantage of franchise?
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What are the disadvantages of owning a Franchise?

Buying a franchise means doing things the way the franchisor wants them done. Whether that's an advantage or disadvantage depends on the person who's asking. If you like doing things your own way, it's definitely a disadvantage. If you think a proven system decreases customer uncertainty in your business, it's an advantage.

Is purchasing restrictions an advantage of franchises?

Purchasing restrictions is a disadvantage of a franchise operation because it limits or dictates what the franchisee can purchase and, therefore, can sell.In a non-franchise business, the owner could buy and sell whatever they please, and would be free to find better pricing on products.

What is the advantage and disadvantage of a tired corporation?

A tired corporation is at a disadvantage because productivity can greatly drop within a short time. One advantage is that employees may suggest ideas that will make some processes less tiring.

What are the Advantages of being a franchise operator?

There are many advantages of being a franchise. The first advantage is that the people who are buying the franchise have a rather high chance of success. This is because when you are buying it you are buying an established company that has already being successful from other owners of the franchise. Another advantage is that you have traing and management back up and you do not need any previous experience. Also the products have been provided for you. Also as a franchise owner you are your own boss so you choose your hours that you work and have your own ideas. As a franchise, the investment risk may be lower and it is harder to fail.

Who controls a franchise?

By control I will assume you mean who runs a Franchise. The Franchise owner controls the franchise. The Franchise owner is controlled by the Franchise Contract.

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Buying a franchise means doing things the way the franchisor wants them done. Whether that's an advantage or disadvantage depends on the person who's asking. If you like doing things your own way, it's definitely a disadvantage. If you think a proven system decreases customer uncertainty in your business, it's an advantage.

What are the disadvantages of owning a Franchise?

Buying a franchise means doing things the way the franchisor wants them done. Whether that's an advantage or disadvantage depends on the person who's asking. If you like doing things your own way, it's definitely a disadvantage. If you think a proven system decreases customer uncertainty in your business, it's an advantage.

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