

Best Answer

We offer residential cleaning services and our specialized villa cleaning services professionals are dedicated to provide you efficient cleaning to ensures that every surface and place at your villa is clean and removed from contaminants, allergens, dust and bacteria, with conventional cleaning techniques, to provide healthy and green environment at your villa. We don't just remove dirt, we clean it, as we are enthusiastic to provide environmental friendly service, which not only clean the house, it makes you house beautiful with green environmental cleaning.

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Q: What supplies would you need to start a cleaning service?
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Is office cleaning a good business to get into?

Yes, cleaning offices would be a good business if you enjoy janitorial duties. The start-up costs would be minimal, it provides consistent income, flexible hours, and the opportunity to be your own boss.If you want for a office cleaning then in my suggestion "Maud's Contract Cleaning" ( )is a reliable Office cleaning company Based in Dublin .

How to start a building maintenance corporation?

To start up a building maintenance corporation you will need to incorporate your business or pursue it as a sole proprietorship. Next, you would need to purchase or rent the required equipment and start gaining service contracts. Concurrently, you should consider staffing. With the help of a building maintenance supply chain, you could earn some sales and service contracts pretty quickly.

How do you prepare a business plan for a cleaning company?

Please see the link provided for a detailed Q&A that explains how to write a business plan. Preparing a business plan for a cleaning company would follow the same process - except that you would want to include market information specifically related to the cleaning industry. Visit the Web sites of ISAA ( and the Building Service Contractors Association International ( for an abundance of data and statistics. PowerHomeBiz also has some great information that you might be able to use on starting a janitorial business:

What are the best rural small businesses to start?

The best way to answer that is, "What does my community need?" Look for a good or service that your community really needs. Then see if you can provide that good or service well and at a price that is lower than the current price for the good or service. If it looks like you can turn a good profit, that is what I would open a business for.

Cleaning Company?

form_title=Hire a Cleaning Company form_header=A cleaning company can help provide a variety of cleaning and maintenance services for your business. Describe the cleaning needs:=_ How often would you need services?= {(),D} Will cleaning have to take place at night?= () Yes () No

Related questions

How much money would it take to start a cleaning service?

A cleaning service company is the cheapest and easiest type of company to start. For the reason being, you already own the majority of your supplies. Once business begins to pick up, you can begin investing in your own business and start purchasing more supplies and different ones at that. But if you plan to be an actual company, you need licensing and insurance. So depending on the state you live can determine the cost of your startup.

I would like to start my own cleaning business. Will regular cleaning supples work or do I need commercial cleaning supplies?

It'll mostly have to do with the nature of the cleaning and the volume. If you're dealing with heavy stains, or a lot of items, commercial cleaning supplies will probably be needed.

What should be on a checklist for a good inventory of commercial cleaning supplies?

There are quite a few places where you could get an inventory checklist for commercial cleaning supplies. A great place to start would be one of two websites: They both have basic list of supplies that you should have.

What software products are useful for operating a carpet cleaning service?

I would like to start a carpet cleaning company. What type of software would be essential to run the business?

How do you spell Windecks?

If you are referring to the cleaning supplies, it would be spelled Windex.

Where are the best places online to find carpet shampoo machines.?

There are many web sites that can offer you a carpet cleaning machine as well as other cleaning supplies. You will have no problem in finding this service but i would check out a few to compare prices.

What is a fair price for a start up cleaning service?

A fair price for start-up cleaning services would probably be like $15-18. I say this because a cleaning services does not require an advanced education, and although it is not easy, the price fits well with the average price for cleaning services.

Where can I find a commercial cleaning supplies checklist for my home office?

The best way that you can put together a commercial cleaning supplies checklist for your home office would be to browse websites that sell supplies, since there are no websites that explicitly provide a checklist. Websites to consider looking at include ULINE Cleaning Supplies, Wholesale Industrial Supplies, and Clean It Supply.

What is the average monthly cost of commonly used cleaning supplies?

How much cleaning supplies cost for a month varies according to the area being cleaned. The average homeowner might spend 30 dollars a month on cleaning supplies.

How could you go about creating a new commercial cleaning business?

You could start a commercial cleaning business by first getting all the supplies and your name out there. Advertising on Craigslist or Facebook would be a great start. Once you have a great customer base your business could really take off.

What Australian Actress plays Jenna in 2006's The Last Kiss?

There are many web sites that can offer you a carpet cleaning machine as well as other cleaning supplies. You will have no problem in finding this service but i would check out a few to compare prices.

In Lowe's, where do I look for mold removal supplies?

You can find mold removal supplies at Lowe's in the cleaning supplies. It would be with such items as Windex, 401, and many other cleaning items. If you cannot find them in this section, make sure you ask a sales associate.