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Q: What should CEO be aware of when venturing into alliances?
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Why should you have a CEO?

The CEO is the top person in the company, ultimately responsible for it.

How do you solve an agency problem?

Give the CEO a fixed salary. The CEO's salary should be paid partly in the form of caompany's shares of stock. The CEO's salary should be based on the company's profits.

If you want to be a CEO what classes should you take?

If you want to be a CEO, you should take a lot of business classes. You may also want to get your master's degree.

What is the role of CEO in strategic management of a firm?

The CEO must understand that strategic management is his responsibility. Parts of this task, but certainly not all of it, can be delegated.The CEO is responsible for establishing a climate in the organization that is congenial to strategic management.The CEO is responsible for ensuring that the design of the process is appropriate to the unique characteristics of the company.The CEO is responsible for determining whether there should be a corporate planner. If so, the CEO generally should appoint the planner (or planners) and see that the office is located as close to that of the CEO as practical.The CEO must get involved in doing planning.The CEO should have face-to-face meetings with executives for making plans and should ensure that there is a proper evaluation of the plans and feedback to those making them.The CEO is responsible for reporting the results of the strategic management process to the board of directors

Is this sentence correct Someone brung you a article at CEO?

No, it should be, 'Someone brought you an article about the CEO.' (or ' article from theCEO.'). That is, assuming that CEO is the chief executive officer, a person.

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Should fat cat CEO be capitalized?


How did Katsuhiko Honda begin to expand Japan Tobacco when he became president and CEO?

began making alliances with small tobacco companies in Europe that were suffering the effects of being in a highly competitive market.

What is the punctuation for CEO?

Acronyms should always be capitalized (although take care when you pluralize them: the 's' should remain lower case). As to using periods, generally they are not used for acronyms based on initials, such as CEO. Therefore, "CEO" as you have written it in the question is correct.

How do you make a sentence using the word ethics?

I was aware that the CEO of the company had questionable ethics, but since I desperately needed work, I took the job anyway.

What are the pros and cons of CEO compensation?

One pro for CEO compensation is the fact that it is tied to the performance of the organization. One con about CEO compensation is that they get paid handsomely even when the business isn't performing as it should.

As CEO should you list CEO on your business card or Chief executive officer?

I have seen a lot of business cards that says CEO and I think that is fine. Everyone knows what a CEO is. However, some people might confuse CEO with Chief Entertainment Officer or Chief Engineering Officer.. it is unlikely but just saying.