Not reputable; of bad repute; not in esteem; dishonorable; disgracing the reputation; tending to bring into disesteem; as, it is disreputable to associate familiarly with the mean, the lewd, and the profane.
what is the meaning of loss making company
the meaning of FOB is freaking obese babies
No...that's not the answer!!
The meaning of ABIODUN of Western African origin is "born on a festival" in Yoruba and it is both male and female name.
There are two affixes in the word "disreputable": "dis-" is a prefix meaning "not" or "opposite of," and "-able" is a suffix that forms adjectives indicating capability or feasibility.
Do not take your car to a disreputable mechanic twice. Wasn't Robin Hood disreputable?
The root of the word "disreputable" is "repute," which means reputation or esteem. The prefix "dis-" is an affix added to the root word to give it a negative meaning, in this case, suggesting a lack of good reputation.
I think that is a disreputable way to undertake an election.
His brother's frequent clashes with the law left him with a disreputable reputation .
A disreputable person is someone who lacks respectability, integrity or honor: Someone who has a bad reputation.
Don't take your car to that repair shop, I have found them to be disreputable.
A disreputable person is someone who lacks respectability, integrity or honor: Someone who has a bad reputation.
The word disreputable is an adjective word. Therefore it should be used to describe a situation and a behaviour. For example you would use disreputable to desbribe someone with a bad reputation.
disreputable is an adj,used as lacking respect in character/behavior/appearance. My disreputable neighbor is always playing loud music. im bad at examples,lol, but that's the gist ..
Infamous, Disreputable, dishonest