An alternate tender means for a credit card means a vendor or purchaser presents an alternate form of payment.
alt means alternate
A different claim proposing another hypothesis
The classification of entrepreneurs is a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. An alternate classification is a promoter in the entertainment industry.
The only person with rights to the property is the grantee on the deed. If the tax bills are sent "in care of" another person that other person acquires no interest in the property.
An Apiculturist is a fancy name for beekeeping
Erectile Dysfunction
If you are thinking about taking up beekeeping, contact your local beekeeping group for help and advice. Do not try and 'go it alone'.
Shorten it. Like Ben is the shortened version of Benjamin.
apiculture = beekeeping
The name for alternate rhymes is "alternate rhyme scheme" or "alternate rhyme pattern." This refers to a rhyme scheme where every other line rhymes with each other.
Beekeeping or apiculture.
An apiary
Jacob's alternate name is Israel, as mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 32:28.
Alexander Shearer Curlet Deans has written: 'Bees and beekeeping' 'Beekeeping techniques'
alternate angles