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Recovery is another term for expansion in the business cycle.

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Q: What is another term for expansion in the business cycle?
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Another term for the hydrologic cycle is the water cycle.

True or false a expansion of the economy always follows a peak or boom?

The simple answer to this questions is False. In economics you learn the ideal of a business cycle, which is the layout for economic cycles. The cycle represents a wave in a visual representation. A peak or boom is the point at which the GDP is maximized; this is then followed by a recession where the GDP is in decline. To follow the recession you have a trough cycle, which is the point where GDP is minimized. To follow the trough you have a recovery cycle where the GDP is in incline to the point of the peak or boom. So to answer the question in an economic business cycle term an expansion follows a trough in the economy and actually leads to a peak or boom.

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An IPO cycle is a business term, as far as I know.

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Sales Cycle Optimization

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Hertz is another term for cycle per second. It represents the frequency of a periodic phenomenon, such as a wave or vibration, and is defined as one cycle per second.

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Menses is the commonly used term for menstrual cycle. Monthly periods is another commonly used term.

What term best descibes the highest point in an economic expansion?

Peak, pinnacle, apex. You choose.Technically speaking in economics: the highest point between the end of an economic expansion and the start of a contraction in a business cycle is called the Peak. The peak of the cycle refers to the last month before several key economic indicators, such as employment and new housing starts, being to fall. It is a at this point that real GDP spending in an economy is its highest level.

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coworker? colleague competitor

What is the climate change term for coldest phase of climate cycle?

The term for the coldest phase of a climate cycle is "glacial period" or "ice age". During a glacial period, Earth experiences lower global temperatures and an expansion of ice sheets.

What is true in a boom bust cycle?

When the number of plants decrease, the number of animals decrease.

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A business consolidation is another term for business combination. When a company acquires other businesses, it forms a merge, which means the businesses are combined.